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I'm getting a lot of smoke when cooking on the Flat TopUpdated a year ago

I'm Getting a Lot of Smoke When Cooking on the Flat Top

Avoid the smoke - As the name alludes, the smoking point is the temperature at which a fat or oil begins to smoke. Sure, smoke is pesky, but that's not the only reason why you should be concerned. Heated past its smoke point, that fat starts to break down, releasing free radicals and a substance called acrolein, the chemical that gives burnt foods their acrid flavor and aroma. Think watering eyes, a stinky kitchen, and bitter, scorched food. 

To make sure you don't run into that issue when cooking on your Flat Top you can use the chart below to help inform your decision on what kind of oil to reach for depending on what kind of meal you are making. It's important to note that we apply a coat of Vegetable Oil to the Flat Tops before shipping. Do not exceed heating your Flat Top beyond 375 degrees on the first use to prevent the oil from smoking. The oil will polymerize or "bake-in" around 350 degrees. You can then use the oil of your choice for cooking if you need a higher smoke point. 

Smoke Point of Oil and Fat 

Fat/Oil                                 Smoke Point (F) 

Avocado oil                         570 F 

Butter                                  200 to 250 F 

Canola oil (refined)             400 F 

Coconut oil (extra virgin)     350 F 

Coconut oil (refined)           450 F 

Corn oil                               440 F 

Flaxseed oil                        225 F 

Lard                                    370 F 

Olive oil (extra virgin)         375 F 

Olive oil (virgin)                  391 F 

Olive oil (extra light)           468 F 

Peanut oil                           450 F 

Sesame oil (unrefined)       350 F 

Soybean oil (refined)          460 F 

Vegetable Oil                      400 F

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