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Removing Your Seasoning LayerUpdated a year ago

Removing Your Seasoning Layer

What you’ll need: 

  • Water
  •  800 grit Wet or Dry sand paper or an orbital sander 
  • Steel wool 
  • Rectangle sponge


Heat Flat Top on medium heat for about 20 minutes to loosen any flaky seasoning - Turn off Flat Top. Using the food scrape or some sort of scraper, remove as many seasoning flakes as possible. 

Wrap the wetordry sandpaper around the rectangle sponge. Use the sandpaper wrapped sponge or orbital sander to very lightly go over the Flat Top sanding down seasoning to bare steel. 

Next use steel wool to make sure you’ve sanded off all seasoning. 

Clean Flat top with paper towel and water to remove any sanding debris.

Finish by heating your Flat Top and applying a thin layer of oil and allowing the oil to cook in or just reseason as you cook. Be sure to use some sort of oil with every cooking experience until the new non stick seasoning has developed. Clean the Flat Top after each use and apply a thin layer of oil after each use.   

Here are a couple of the most common reasons why flaky seasoning occurs: 

  1. Using too much oil – The polymerization process that creates the seasoning layer on your Flat Top requires the oil to be in contact with both iron and oxygen. If too much oil is used, the chemical reaction can’t properly occur and you’re left with a sticky mess that will cause flaking.
  2.  Not heating the Flat Top at a high enough temperature – If the seasoning oil is not heated beyond its smoke point, it will not completely bond with the Flat Top. This will leave behind a brown, sticky layer that will flake off when cooking. Here’s a helpful chart for determining how hot your oven needs to be based on the type of seasoning oil you’re using:

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